Refereed publications

  • Charlesworth, S., & Baines, D. (2015). Understanding the negotiation of paid and unpaid care work in community services in cross-national perspective: the contribution of a rapid ethnographic approach. Journal of Family Studies, 21 (1) 7-21.
  • Charlesworth, S. and Macdonald, F. (2015). ‘‘The Decent Work Agenda and the Advancement of Gender Equality: For Emerging Economies Only?” International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 31(1), 5-26.
  • Adamson, E. and Brennan, D. (2014). “Social investment or private profit?  Diverging notions of ‘investment’ in early childhood education and care”, International Journal of Early Childhood, 46 (1), 47-61.
  • Baines, D., Charlesworth, S. and Cunningham, I. (2014) “Fragmented Outcomes: International Comparisons of Gender, Managerialism and Union Strategies in the Nonprofit Sector” Journal of Industrial Relations 56(1), 24-42.
  • Baines, D. Charlesworth, S. and Cunningham, I. (2014) “Changing care? Men and managerialism in the nonprofit sector.” Journal of Social Work, September 7, 2014, DOI:10.1177/1468017314548149.
  • Baines, D. Charlesworth, S. Turner, D. and O’Neill, L. (2014). “Lean social care and worker identity: The role of outcomes, supervision and mission/” Critical Social Policy. 34 (4), 433-453.
  • Brennan, D. (2014). “Community Services, Individualism and Markets”, in A. McClelland and P. Smyth (eds), Social Policy in Australia, 3rd edition.  Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 220-229.
  • Brennan, D. (2014). “The business of care: Australia’s experiment with the marketization of childcare”, in L. Orchard and C. Miller (eds.), Australian Public Policy, Bristol: The Policy Press, 151-168.
  • Brennan, D. and M. Fenech (2014). “Early Education and Care in Australia: Equity in a mixed market-based system?”, in L. Gambaro, K. Stewart,  and J. Waldfogel (eds.),  Equal Access to Quality Care: Lessons from other countries about providing high quality and affordable childcare and early education, Bristol: The Policy Press, 171-192.
  • Charlesworth, S. and Macdonald, F. (2014) “Australia’s Gender Pay Equity Legislation: How New, How Different, What Prospects?” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 39 (2):421-440.
  • Charlesworth, S. and Macdonald, F. (2014) “Women, work and industrial relations in Australia in 2013” Journal of Industrial Relations, 56(3), 382-397.
  • Cunningham, I., Baines, D. and Charlesworth, S. (2014). “Government Funding, Employment Conditions and Work Organization in Non-Profit Community Services: A Comparative Study”, Public Administration, 92(3), 582-598.

Non-refereed publications

  • Parvazian, S.,Charlesworth, S.,King, D.,Skinner, N. (2014). Developing job quality benchmarks: Work related injuries and illnesses In: Department of Social Services, Australian Government Adelaide, Australia

Publications in progress

  • Adamson, E. Recognition of what? Nanny agencies’ portrayal of in-home childcare in Australia and Canada (to be submitted June 2016)
  • Adamson, E. “Crossing boundaries: Childcare policy and the Live-In Caregiver Program in Canada”, In R. Langford, P. Albaneze and S. Prentice (Eds), Caring for Children: Social Movements and Public Policy. Vancouver: UBC Press (expected publication December 2016)
  • Adamson, E. and Brennan, D. Return of the Nanny? Public policy towards in-home childcare in the UK, Canada and Australia, Social Policy & Administration ( to resubmit February 2016)
  • Adamson, E. Cultures of in-home childcare: Nannies, migration and early childhood education and care, Bristol: Policy Press. (expected publication November 2016)
  • Adamson, E., Cortis, N., Brennan, D. and Charlesworth, S. ‘Social care and migration policy in Australia: Emerging intersections?’ for Australian Journal of Social Issues (submitted December 2015)
  • Brennan, D., Charlesworth, S.; Adamson, E. and Cortis, N. (in progress) ‘Markets, migration and care: Australia in a global context’, Chapter for I. Peng and S. Michel.
  • Charlesworth, S. and Howe, J. Employment Standards and Enforcement in Australia: Success & Challenges in Aged Care for  Federal Law Review (to be submitted April 2016)
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  • Deborah Brennan, University of New South Wales
  • Sara Charlesworth, RMIT University


  • Liz Adamson
  • Liz Hill
  • Joanna Howe
  • Fiona Macdonald


  • Centre for Sustainable Organizations and Work (CSOW)
  • United Voice,
  • The Centre for International Research on Care Labour and Equalities, University of Sheffield (CIRCLE)

Students & Associates

  • Myra Hamilton
  • Celestyna Galicki
  • Don Tennakoon
  • Monica O’Dwyer
  • Rasika Jayasuriya
  • Jenny Malone
  • Jyhene Kebsi
  • Sohoon Lee