Big congratulations to our 2016 Doctoral Associates: Yi-Chun Chien, Yang-sook Kim, and Anabel Stoeckle! The Doctoral Associate Program is a Centre for Global Social Policy initiative to support the research of promising PhD candidates investigating how the (re-)organization of care is influencing global migration of care workers, and what this means for gender inequalities, social developments, and global governance. Doctoral Associates receive funding support for their doctoral research, as well as the opportunity to build their professional and academic networks. At the end of the program, the Centre for Global Social Policy will also support the dissemination of the Doctoral Associates’ research findings.

Yi-Chun Chien is a PhD Candidate in the Political Science Department at the University of Toronto. Her research focuses on migration and gender politics, elder care, and social policies in East Asia. Prior to joining the University of Toronto, Yi-Chun received a Master of Arts in Political Science at National Taiwan University.

She has completed 16 months of fieldwork in Taiwan and South Korea, exploring how newly industrial East Asian countries manage their elder care provision and border control. Her doctoral dissertation is titled, “Rights to Settle: Comparing Migrant Care Worker Policies in Taiwan and South Korea.” Her work connects with Ito Peng’s subproject “Theoretical and Empirical Bases for Reconceptualizing Care, Work, and Migration”.

Yang-sook Kim is a PhD Candidate in the Sociology Department at the University of Toronto. Through ethnographic and comparative policy research, she has explored many facets of international migration. Specifically, she has completed a comparative study on migrant labourers and marriage migrants in Taiwan and South Korea during her Masters of Arts program at Korea University.

Her dissertation highlights the intersections of gender, ethnic nationhood, migration and care regimes. Central to her dissertation is understanding why and how women workers from different ethnic backgrounds are incorporated into different sectors of the South Korean care market. Her work also incorporates a micro-level analysis of how workers and their organizations frame and understand care work and their role within the care economy. Her work connects with Cynthia Cranford’s subproject “Immigrant Labour Markets for Personal Care Work” and Monica Boyd’s subproject “Migrating for Care: Permanent and Temporary Workers in North America”.

Anabel Stoeckle is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Sociology at Wayne State University. She also holds a Master of Sociology from the University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt in Germany. Her research focuses on gender, work, family, and feminist theory. Her PhD thesis, “Body/Sex/Work – Surrogacy as a New Form of Intimate and Embodied Labor”, explores the way that gestational surrogacy arrangements both redefine “care” and “work” on both a national and global scale. As a 2016 Doctoral Associate, Anabel will receive support in order to finish her data collection and present her research at the pre-ISA workshop on Care Work in Vienna, Austria, in July 2016.

Best of luck to our new Doctoral Associates!


Interested in joining us as a Doctoral Associate? Applications are due September 1, 2016.